Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Urban Farmer

     It seems these days we hear a lot about "sustainability". Talk about a world food shortage, and don't forget to eat organic.

   It does make good sense to be able to feed yourself and your family, no matter what's going on at the grocery store or in the world.
    To live a "simple" life is not really what it sounds like. Things are not necessarily easy or simple and often will actually cost a lot of elbow grease and time.   Some good old fashioned hard work will help you live the simple life.

   Not that hard work is bad by any means,but you first need to evaluate how much you are willing to do, and where you are going to get the time to do it.
   I love the idea of having fresh eggs right here on my back lawn. We have some bantam chickens coming this spring and when they are mature enough they will give us tiny little eggs. If we find that these eggs are not sufficient for our family we may have a bunch of Bantam pets. The idea is that we are starting small.
    I have been itching to start a garden on my land, but that may not be the best use of my yard. You see my sweet Mother-in-love lives down the road a few blocks and has a huge garden. We have been more then welcomed in joining her to plant, weed and harvest over the years and we have. I have always been grateful for the garden and the wisdom cultivated there from the experienced gardeners, Mom and Dad.
    Starting my own garden with one so close at hand would not be the best use of our space, I think.
    My friend B sent this clip to me and I encourage everyone to visit the website Real food guide by Hellmans
    Ok I'm having trouble posting the video clip, but you can watch it on the Hellmans website.
    The jest of it is to eat Canadian produce, we import way more then we export.

   One thing I think I will do is start a herb and lettuce garden. Next year, when we're use to having chickens, I'm going to ask Josh to build me a little green house! Or maybe I'll ask for a miniature dairy goat!:)

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