He's really a private person, and doesn't appreciate being on blogs and especially not facebook! I do it anyway because I just like to brag! I think he's hot!
I want people to see what a catch I caught! But today I'll tell you more. He's more then just a catch, he's really, really wonderful.
I love his serious look, he's so hot!
You see we've been together since I was 18, he was 19. We started just hanging out. Two days after our first date my Dad passed away suddenly. Those were very hard days.Josh didn't disappear, he stayed through all of that. And on the other side of it he told me he loved me. I thought this guy was pretty amazing for being there still, and I started to love him too. We began to talk about the future and what we wanted. He said he wanted to be married to me before the end of the year. And we were.
We met and married in 10 months. And this September will be our 15th year of marriage.
In Vancouver on a day pass from BCWH
Josh is a strong man, physically, emotionally and spiritually (because he loves the Lord). He is a rock, but he's a mush too. He was a rock when we were rushed to BC Women's Hospital because our unborn baby had a heart rate of 285bpm. He was a huge mush from the moment she was born! (Actually long before that!)
Josh and Baby Madalyn he held her all the time, so much so I think they are permanently attached!
He is often logical and sees the bigger picture. Which is great for me because I'm often irrational and can't see passed my forehead!
He loves me enough to tell me I'm floundering, and he loves me enough to point out the good stuff too.
I hate to admit it but he's smarter then me. This I did not realize until the last couple of years. I was quite sure that I was one up in the brainiac department. Not true. He is my greatest confidant, my closest companion. The person I always go to (well besides God, I usually go to the Lord first and sometimes He tells me to talk to Josh. Sometimes I go to Josh first and he tells me to talk to God). I know that I can call on him for anything. He is always willing to help me. But he is never fooled by me, he knows exactly where I'm at. I hate that and love it at the same time.
Josh is more than I ever thought to ask for in a husband, lover and friend. And more than I ever dreamed of as a father for my children. He is the best Dad I've ever known. Our kids are the luckiest kids in the world. I should say blessed, they have a great man to be their role model and he is great because of the relationship he has with Jesus.
What else could I tell you? Oh, a million little things and a thousand big ones. Sometimes there are no words really just a look.
I love it when he stars at me. I say "What?" He says "Nothing, you're just beautiful".
He will thank me when I clean the house. And compliment all my cooking.
He is my biggest fan. And I am his.
Thought you might like this response from Josh when I e-mailed him this post to see if it was ok with him.
Wow, Lauralee are you sure you know who you are married too??
Thank you. and thank you for asking first. That will be ok to post.
I love you. Talk to you tonight.
Your Hubbie
Isn't he sweet?