Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wee Bit of Me Wednesday

{one} what is your happiest childhood memory?

Our whole family at Old Mac Donald's farm, I was 6 or 7 I think.

{two} what is your middle name?


{three} what’s the habit you’re most proud of breaking?

Nail biting

{four} what do you order when you order chinese food?

Wonton soup and Combo #11! (Chicken chowmein, sweet and sour pork and deep fried prawns!)

{five} what’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

I have no idea!

{six} what’s the best costume you’ve ever worn?

My Mom's dress from the 60's it was purple and greenish yellow. The pattern was faces of vanhallen I think or some rocker from then.

{seven} who’s your favorite game show host?

Gotta be Bob Barker

{eight} what’s your favorite breakfast food?

Eggs Benedict, although it doesn't have to be for breakfast I'll eat it anytime!

{nine} what’s your least favorite word?

can't or ain't really get on my nerves. 

{ten} describe something that happened to you for which you have no explanation.

When I was 2 I was lost in a very large Mall.  My Mom searched all over the shop we were in, cause I was only gone a few seconds.  Then she ran through the mall thinking I was taken.  As she ran past The Bay on the other side of the mall she heard a lost child announcement.  Sure enough it was me, and I was playing happily with the toys.  Mom doesn't know how I got there so fast or how I wandered so far.

okay, your turn!

1 comment:

Traci Michele said...

Hey there! Thanks :-) I love your new look too!
