Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Great Road Trip!

 Our family holiday to Edmonton! 
I don't have a lot of pictures, I was to busy to take pictures! 

    We stayed at the River Cree Marriott, yes I know it's a Casino.  Beggars can't be choosers, we stayed using reward points.   It was beautiful like most Marriotts and I was delighted to find the Casino far away from the actual hotel entrance so I didn't have to march my children through a carnival. 
   We took them to a more family friendly carnival, Galaxy Land at the West Edmonton Mall.    No I did not ride the Roller Coaster this time.  Something about adrenalin not feeling quite the same after babies, feels more like PANIC!  
I did go on the Air Balloons, and nearly had a heart attack watching Madalyn trying to peek over the edge.  No worries people her Daddy had a good grip on her and after the ground crew applied the paddles to me and my heart started beating again I was fine too!
  I found out I really don't like going in circles and if I look up and turn to quickly I'm dizzy.  Do not like being dizzy!
  The kids had lots of fun.  It was really funny watching Josh on the Drop of Doom, I don't think he'll let his brother talk him into anything ever again!  Wish I'd had a picture of that, cause he's never looked like that before and probably never will again!
   It was so wonderful seeing my Sister and my new Brother-In-Law.  Boy my nephews are getting big, and the newest addition was so fun to cuddle.  Love that new baby smell!
   We had fun with Josh's Bro and my-sister-in law.  The 3 boys had fun gaming with their Dad's.  Not that I condone shooting your father, but it was just a game, and they did have fun.  And no real fathers were harmed during the time of our visit!
   I did go shopping, at the Children's Place Outlet!  I had a 30% off coupon thanks to my smart and thrifty Sis-in law, Woot! Woot!
   Madalyn did amazingly well for her first ever 12hr road trip!  Although it was the first time we ever heard her scream "No" at us like that. 
   We had a fun dinner and great catch-up time with my Girl BonBon!! What a sweet little family she has.  Well 3 kids isn't really a little family, but they seem so much quieter than us! :)
   I was so lucky to sneak a quick lunch in with my M girl and her youngest, gigantic children.  I say giant cause it's not fair that they are taller than me!
   The Telus Science World was really fun.   I especially liked the Forensic Lab and solving the dog-knapping!  Oh and the kids liked it too... I think.
In the Body Works Part of Science World
Madalyn's favorite was this tongue, she thought it was a slide

At the Crime Lab, at the top it says that but I goofed and cut it out

Our Military Training, this is the only picture I'm allowed to show you (jk)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wee Bit of Me Wednesday

{one} what is your happiest childhood memory?

Our whole family at Old Mac Donald's farm, I was 6 or 7 I think.

{two} what is your middle name?


{three} what’s the habit you’re most proud of breaking?

Nail biting

{four} what do you order when you order chinese food?

Wonton soup and Combo #11! (Chicken chowmein, sweet and sour pork and deep fried prawns!)

{five} what’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?

I have no idea!

{six} what’s the best costume you’ve ever worn?

My Mom's dress from the 60's it was purple and greenish yellow. The pattern was faces of vanhallen I think or some rocker from then.

{seven} who’s your favorite game show host?

Gotta be Bob Barker

{eight} what’s your favorite breakfast food?

Eggs Benedict, although it doesn't have to be for breakfast I'll eat it anytime!

{nine} what’s your least favorite word?

can't or ain't really get on my nerves. 

{ten} describe something that happened to you for which you have no explanation.

When I was 2 I was lost in a very large Mall.  My Mom searched all over the shop we were in, cause I was only gone a few seconds.  Then she ran through the mall thinking I was taken.  As she ran past The Bay on the other side of the mall she heard a lost child announcement.  Sure enough it was me, and I was playing happily with the toys.  Mom doesn't know how I got there so fast or how I wandered so far.

okay, your turn!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So Much To Be Thankful For

 Today 2 years ago a precious baby girl joined our family.  She came to us the usual way, with a bit more difficulty then some of her siblings.  My pregnancy with her was much the same way, usual with a bit more difficulty than the others.
  I will never forget July 20th 2008.  That was just the beginning it was the next day that was the hardest.  We flew quickly to Vancouver's Women's Hospital.  We sat under an ultra-sound for 3 hours.  We watched helpless as our little baby's heart skipped beats and jumped every few minutes into what the doctors call SVT (supraventricular tachycardia).  Her heart rate sometimes over 300 bpm. 
   There is lots that I remember feeling in those moments and the days that followed.  But what I remember most is how God met us at every turn.  He had gone there before us and was showing us how.
   I was not scared, I don't think I would call it anxious, maybe a form of anxiety I've never experienced before.  The only way I can explain it is that I had no peace.  I felt like the ground was gone, like I was loosing my grip.  Grip on what I hadn't decided. 
   I KNEW that God was there.  I didn't KNOW what He wanted us to do.  I was glad the Doctors decided not to take Madalyn.  By that I mean force her to be born at 29 weeks.
I worried about the toxic drugs they were going to give to me and my sweet growing baby. 
   We could refuse and go home and pretend everything was fine.  It would all be ok if I didn't take them...right?  That was a question I couldn't answer, and I felt God was silent on the subject.  He wasn't silent of course.  Josh was completely at peace, he KNEW that we would be ok.  He also KNEW I should take the medication.
  Of course I did take the medicine with strict instructions about each dose.  Sotalol is a beta-blocker.  It also has serious possible side-effects. 
   "What kind of side-effects?"  I ask.
   "Oh it could knock your heart out of rhythm" says Dr. #1.
   "But don't worry about that we'll just knock it back in"  Dr. #2
   Great how comforting! I think to myself.
   "What are we risking if we don't take the drugs, what can happen?"  me.
   "Baby could suffer heart failure and go into cardiac arrest."  Dr. #1
    "Your body could mirror her body and you could also suffer cardiac arrest."  Dr.#2
   The possible side effects of not taking toxic drugs, not acceptable.  So we take the drugs!!  And pray my heart stays in rhythm.
   It took me a few days to find peace.  The Lord's peace.  Heart peace.  It was the song by Casting Crowns, Praise You In the Storm that made me cry.  (A different cry then I'd already been doing those few days).   Then I KNEW what I should have all along.  I will Praise Him in this Storm. 
   It was a storm to me.  Things, and words were whirling all around me.  I couldn't tell if I was up or down.  Josh didn't understand me.  His words where,
  "Do you think that God has abandon us?  Cause He hasn't you know."
  "I know He hasn't."
  "I'm worried about you, I watched you go through your Dad's death and other babies, and you didn't react like this at all, this isn't like you?"  My poor husband.
   I didn't have an answer for him either.  I didn't feel like I was without God, I knew He was there.  He showed me in so many little ways.  Like my favorite coffee in decaf at the hospital cafeteria.  My parents were able to come see me.  The ultra sound tech was a Christian and she prayed with us.  The first medicine they tried worked and I only got the mildest of reactions to it.  This was an answer to pray because if this med didn't work it would be more toxic ones to try!
   It was my peace I could not find, not in the word, not in prayer.  But I did find it, in a song.  And the lights went on.  I can pray and pray and read and read.  These are all good and will not come up void, but if I do not praise Thee, I am missing an important piece.  The peace I had been longing for came raging like a flood, when I lifted up my heart and sang my Praises to the Lord.
  And today I am so thankful for my baby's 2nd Birthday.  She lives without SVT and is no longer at risk for SVT for over a year now! 
I am thankful for God's grace that is always there.  It is after all not about me, it's about Him.

Josh and I during our Hospital stay in July.

Sept. 21. 2008 Madi is born! Here she's almost a week.

One Year and No longer at risk for SVT!

Turned 2 today and was hiding around my legs, she wouldn't let me take her picture! Funny kid!
And still SVT free!

Close But No Cigar!

  Are you curious yet?  There were a couple of good guesses on my FB comments.
   Australia....I do want to go there and I have a girlfriend that lives there!!
  Israel....Close it is in the Mediterranean, and I would like to visit Israel too.
  Africa... not as much desire to go there.  Lions and Tigers and whatever else, I'd much rather visit at the zoo not up close and personal!  But still a beautiful Continent worth visiting!

Nope the place I am trying to convince Josh we need to go is....

THE GREEK ISLANDS  More specifically Santorini.  That's the one I really want to see, and then some other islands there too. 
Now it's deciding do we go and stay there, or do we go on cruise there??
You understand I am just dreaming, there is no REAL plans, maybe in 2013 I'll get to go there.
But I'm thinking if I start talking about it now then maybe, just maybe Josh will think he wants to go there too!
  Until then I will leaf through my travel books from the library and day dream about coffee on a Greek "Lanai".

Monday, September 20, 2010

Where Could it Be??

  About a year or so before my first trip to Hawaii I took out all the travel books from the library about those islands.

  Today I was at the library and took out all the travel books on a new destination.

  I thought it might be fun for you to guess where.  I'll come up with some kind of prize for the correct answer.  I can't promise you expensive, lavish gifts, but it'll be some token of thanks for knowing me so well:)
   I'll give you two hints....
First... I know someone who was born near there.
Second... I know two people who have visited there, but they do not know each other.

Hmmmmm.... Where could it be?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The A list

  Sometimes when I'm really busy, or just bored, I think of all the things I'd like to do.  So here's a list that I need to get out of my head, and maybe later I can do something about it;)

1. I want to sew!  I really want a nice little room where my sewing machine is set up and waiting for me.  I'd like all my sewing tools, fabrics and patterns in one neat little easy to reach area.  I want to sew aprons for me and the girls.  Oh ya and this room can have Natalie's sewing machine set up too and we can sew together! 'Sigh' the thought is blissful.

2. I want to start Madalyn's baby book.  I know "bad Mommy".  It's not that I haven't saved things or written stuff down, it's just in a drawer here or there, not in her book.  Which I did pay a hefty price for, it is still in the plastic wrap, in a drawer.

3. I want to get back into my Creative Memories.  I was almost caught up, now I'm sure I'm 3yrs behind again. 
"Sigh" (not the blissful kind the sad kind)

4. I want to play Settlers of Cattan.  I bought the game, but I've never played.

5. I wish I didn't care about the extra layer of fat I've accumulated since the last baby.  Or I wish I cared enough about it to actually use that treadmill, (it's in a drawer with the baby book).

After all the "I wants"  I think I need to say some stuff I'm thankful for. Get my brain in order!

I am thankful for....

....The 100++ lbs of organic potatoes in my basement.
....the 5 large bags of organic carrots that are with the potatoes.
....the sore muscle from extracting those organic yummies from the ground
....the fact that the whole family, we 6, Oma, Papa, Auntie M and Uncle J worked together to plant, weed and harvest thus said garden veggies:) (PS the ones in my basement are just our share of the garden loot so it was a good year!) family, all of them, extended ones too children, they bring out the best in me, and the worst.  But thank the Lord for that, if you never see it, you can't fix it.  Thank you my children for showing me my imperfections, and thank you Lord that you know what to do with them.
....Rain..I know I don't like it much either but it is necessary, really it is.
....the wonderful, handsome, funny, wise, hard working, loving man that God has blessed me with.
....good friends, everyone of them, I am blessed.
....COFFEE...yes I know I sound like an addict...but really I can quit if I want to...I just don't want to! :)
....feather duvets and feather pillows
....the roof over my head
....that my husband likes to see me happy, and he tries to make things easier for me
....the things that I have learned and the things that I am learning
....the God who loves me, saved me, leads me.  Without whom I would be lost, without hope and afraid.  What's that hymn?  "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, oh what a foretaste of Glory Divine. This is my story this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long!" 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Setting up

  I'm not sure why it's been so hard for me this year.  Maybe I'm intimidated by the highschool or that I have 4 homeschoolers and a toddler.  
   Maybe I'm just tired. 
   We have been doing a little bit of school each day.  A subject or two.  Mostly Math and Reading.  We've had discussions about what we will be studing. 
   The monthly chore list has not been written up yet.  I feel behind and I don't feel like catching up.
   So here's what I'm going to do.  Get out my last years charts for school, keep what worked, remove what didn't.  Pray and hopefully end up with a well put together schedule that works for us.
   Next, get out the list of chores, through all the names in a hat and assign this months chores! Yeah!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


  I've learned a lot about this skin condition over the years.  My first baby developed a bad case on his wrists at 6mons.  We had ups and downs with it for 5 years.  Then at about 6 or 7 years of age it just disappeared!
  My forth child had some eczema behind her knees which started at around age 6 and ended before she turned 8.
   For the first case I tried natural remedies and food allergy ideas, to no avail.  We used a cream from the Dermatologist called Elicon or com not sure.   There were no shampoos used on him, the only soap I could use on him was White Unscented Dove.   His clothes were washed in Ivory Snow and doubled rinsed.  When he got to be about 4 or 5 I switched to Unscented Purex.
   Now here we have baby #5 and she too has eczema.  On her wrists initially since about 18mons.  Then recently on her elbows as well.  The worst part is the itching.  They rip their skin apart while they scratch. 
   Josh and I had done some soul searching with the Lord.  We prayed as the Lord lead us, rebuking possible genetic lines of Anxiety.   The next day her eczema was amazingly good.  I could give her milk, cheese and yogurt without any flare ups.  We thought we were really on to something.  And we are, we just don't have all the pieces together yet;)  A few months later we have a really big flare up, (Yes I was very anxious about some stuff).  Also some other things we're working out. (Nothing to worry about though:). 
   Meanwhile through all this I'm praying and asking the Lord to give us some way to stop the itching and bring healing.  Well through a couple of unrelated conversations something came to my attention.  Something you'd never or well at least I'd never thought of for eczema.
  LANSINOH.  Yes that's the nipple cream for breastfeeding.   I know it sounds weird, but it works so well!!  It takes away her itching and repairs the skin at the same time!  Now all I'm thinking is WHY didn't I think of it sooner!!
  I even found some Lansinoh cloth wipes, perfect for her little hands and face on the go!
   I am thankful for God's great ideas as He helps us in the learning process!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gucky, Nuk, Sucky, Binky...

  By any other name is still a ..... pacifier. 
    Who on earth invented such a thing!! I'm sure they did it just to drive me totally insane!  I know it! 
    I am forever searching for it, never leaving home without it and praying it'll still be here at bedtime!
  My first 4 children soothed themselves with a thumb or a couple of fingers.  It was a breeze!  I was never looking for it.  Never running out the drug store after hours to purchase a new one.  It was never spontaneously thrown across the restaurant or parking lot.  Nope, they pretty much kept them on them at all times.  Nice and easy. 
   You know I just thought of this one too, I never had to suck on their thumbs just to make sure they were clean before popping them into their mouths!
   Oh, Sucky, Gucky, Binky thingy you are out to get me.  I can't get any peace if you are not here.  Why did I ever, ever, ever place you in my baby's mouth.  Oh silly, silly mother am I. 
   But my sweet baby really liked you, and she still really does.  I do have a tendency to give her what she wants, especially if she's screaming in my ear.   What will I do now that you are gone.  Will you please come out of hiding??   Good thing we have a spare one hidden, although not her favorite one, it will do in a pinch.  And it's pretty pinchy now!
   Those pacimals were just to cute to say no to.  Now we're done for, had it been the old kind it would have been an easy no.
   I'd much rather have that child suck her thumb!  Yeah, I said it!  It's not really that bad, that thumb, just ask my first 4. 
    You'll be glad to know that yes they all have been weaned off their thumbs and no they did not suck them until they were 10! (It was more like 5, but whose counting?) 
   Anyway I'll be back later I have some Sucky hunting to do or in Madalyn's words  "Gucky!".