Monday, May 31, 2010

My basket of house keeping keys is empty

  If you've been to my house, you'll know that I'm not a very picky house keeper.  You'll really know if you've come unannounced! 
  The truth is I have no clue how to keep a house.  Oh I try, we do dishes daily, we sweep, we pick things up here and there.  Once a week (sometimes longer) we vacuum, clean bathrooms(especially if people are coming over) and mop.  Laundry is sporadic, usually done when someone announces they have no clean underwear.  It's really sad actually, my basket of house keeping keys is empty, all but a small mail key may reside there. 
  I have tried to follow and she is great, and worked well for me until I got bored.  Yes, another bad habit of mine is I get bored easy and distracted even more so.  Hmmm, reminds me of a certain 13yr old I know;)
  But glorious hope has arrived.  The clouds have parted and the angels are singing Hallelujah (or is that just Josh).  God is really good and gives you what you need when you are ready for it.  Not before, or to late, right in time.  Why I was not ready before I don't really know.  Perhaps I would not have received it, thinking I was fine and didn't need it.  Maybe we have to see our need and really feel it before it can be filled.  Things to ponder for sure, but here's what's happening to me (well a part anyway more to share later). 
   I won a book on a blog called "Home Comforts, The Art and Science of House Keeping".  My first reaction was "Yay I won something!". Then upon seeing what it was, "Oh...boring".  Hahaha.  But it was free so I sent in my address to receive my prize.  I was shocked when it arrived.  It is a huge book, like I said in a previous post, it's as big as my bible.  Well actually it's bigger!  
  My thoughts, "This is not going to be fun."  But something in me knew that it was from God.  That this was some part of my training and teaching.  So I began to read it and to my delight it's anything but boring!  Cheryl Mendelson writes in such a great way, like you're sitting having coffee with her at her kitchen table.  Her passion for keeping a house is contagious.   She's not so much about the fancy decor or furniture, but the actual functioning of a home.  Of which I discovered, I am completely clueless.  This book is so good for me, and has come at a great time.
   I will tell you more as a go along. I am only starting Chapter 2 Easing into a Routine.
  Happy house keeping:)


Darci said...

I'm in the same boat with you there :) I like organized and clean but I am horrible at maintaining it.

Lollie said...

I hear all it takes is a good routine. Know where I can find one? :)

Anonymous said...

I got that book from the library (when we lived in vancouver after K was born....) I thought it would do me some good since I was going to be at home full-time. It sat on my coffee table unopened, until the day it was due! Maybe you can read it for me and pass along some wisdom?

Happy housekeeping, indeed ;)
Lucy H.

Lollie said...

Haha, I probably would have done that too! Actually the book would have gone back late, and I would have to pay for it and still not cracked a page! :)

kozimom said...

Hey I got that book from the library when we lived in Terrace! I also got to hear the author on CBC radio. She was very interesting!
I agree that routine is important. Everyone kinda has to find their own though. But I've found lots of great info from these 2 sites. Maybe you'll find them helpful too. The Large Family Logistics site - make sure you access the archives of her old blog, located on the right side column. There's a treasure trove of info there. And although the Like Mother, Like Daughter site is Catholic, Auntie Leila has awesome advice and is a wonderful writer. So, enjoy!

Traci Michele said...

WOw! Sounds like an awesome book!