Friday, September 4, 2009

14 Years and Counting

September 2nd 1995 I married the man of my dreams. It has been 14 years since then and I can honestly say he's still the man of my dreams. Actually more then that, the man I needed in my life, my other half:)

We were very young when we got married, just 19yrs old. Josh only a few days short of 20.

It hasn't always been easy. There were a couple of years in the middle there, we were going in different directions. But out of a love for each other, a desire to seek God and keep Christ the center of relationship, we made a road back to one another. In the process overcoming our individual "stuff" and learning how to get through our relationship "stuff" together in a constructive way. Marriage is work, but it's one of those things that "something worth having is worth working for."

Josh never ceases to amaze me. And with that neither does God:) Just when I think I got the guy all figured out, he surprises me. Sometimes good, sometimes not;) But overall I love the life that he and I have built together. Like learning how to play an instrument, it takes years of practice to actually make it sound beautiful. I think we're starting to sound pretty great, even if now and then we hit a flat note:)

I think the ultimate test of a relationship is who you become as a person. I can truly say that I am a better person because of him. Iron sharpens iron they say. I hope I've had the same positive effect on him;) That being said I can also be the most horrible person in his presence, a side that no one else will ever see,(lucky guy eh?) My selfishness and pride will rear it's ugliness with no one else more then my dear husband. (And maybe my sister, Sorry JoJo). It's with the people closest to us that we see who we truly are in all our glory and grossness. The bonus is they love us anyway. Because he still can love me even when I'm less then beautiful, (actually quite the opposite), makes me love him more. This also gives me more room for him to make the same mistakes and to love him through his not-so-prince-charming moments.

So Babe! Thank you for all those 14 years! My husband, my lover, my best friend. I am proud to be called yours and so privileged that you are mine. Here's to 100 more years, you and me baby! PS How many kids is that now?? ;)


Darci said...

This is a beautiful post! Congratulations to you both.

I remember doing DVBS with you maybe the year before you got married, or was it the summer of? Anyways I am so glad to know you :)

Lollie said...

Yep I remember that:) It was the summer of, and I'm so glad to know you too:)

Jen Wilson said...

Wow, you two look SO YOUNG in that photo!!!! Congratulations on 14 years together!

Lollie said...

Sorry Jen I haven't checked my blog in a while! We do look young:) We were 19;)