Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Homeschool 2012/2013

This year I have grade 11, 8, 7, 5 and a pre-schooler. 

I've been using Tapestry of Grace for 5 years.  This covers every one's LA, Socials, Bible and Geography. ( I have pictures of our lap books and salt maps but I'm having trouble loading them)

For Science we are using Apologia.   We'll be using Exploring Creation with Chemistry,  Exploring Creation with General Science, Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy.  I get the notebook journals for the younger students.  

Math for my grade 8 and 11 students is
Video Text

My younger ones are using Teaching Textbooks Math.

Copy work for Grades 7 & 5 is A Reason for Handwriting.

We use Spelling Power.

I love TOG.  It's such a rich and full curriculum.


kozimom said...

Sounds great! Nice to have it all worked out ahead of time - especially with a baby!
I have a gr. 11/12 student - she's trying to graduate this year - as well as a gr.9, gr.8,gr.4 and 2 in gr.1. I will actually have less students this year as I graduated one in June!
My gr. 11/12 student is going to be doing Apologia's Human Body, which is the equivalent of Biology 12 in BC.

Sparklee said...

Sounds like you have a fun, busy year ahead of you!

We took a family vacation to Hawaii (Waikoloa, Kona coast and Volcanoes) earlier this year and we LOVED it.

I have a 7th and 5th grader, too. And we'll be adding a toddler to the mix next year, so I'm definitely looking for ideas on how to do school across the age gaps!

Have a wonderful year of learning together!